S P O T L I G H T | Iconemesis iPhone 4S case

05 September, 2013

iPhone 4S Case*: c/o Iconemesis

Although I hate to admit it I cannot live without my iPhone 4S by my side. I've come to depend on it like an extra limb. I detest the thought of being tied to technology, but my iPhone is just so convenient in keeping up with the world whilst on the move. Obviously part of the fun of having an iPhone is easily interchangable covers that protect your phone as well as giving it a little more character. I was thrilled when iPhone cover company, Iconemesis contacted me to review one of their cute and quirky cases. I chose this Coffee Collection by Lily X illustrated case, which emphasizes my addiction love of good coffee.

Iconemesis offer a range of unique, adorable cases suited to iPhones that feature the designs of a range of illustrators including Gemma Correll, Pomme Chan & Sacha Kreeger. Since the designs are mainly focused on the work of illustrators, the cases are a little different to those you may find on the high street. I've received a lot of compliments on mine since using it and it matches my Starbucks mug perfectly!


  1. That case is gorgeous, so so lovely! xxx


  2. Such a cute case!
    S xx

  3. Love this case!!


  4. that phone case is actually adorable! i love coffee as well, my friends think its bad i depend on it, but it's just so good! never heard of the company either but must go check it out now! your sheets on your bed are just as adorable as the phone case

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Ah my iPhone is glued to me too :D

    Love this case xx


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