O U T F I T | AX Paris Paisley Pinafore Dress

23 July, 2013

Pinafore Dress*: c/o AX Paris // Tie Dye Crop: Urban Outfitters (old) // Shoes: ASOS, £30

A while back before my move to my new house, AX Paris sent me this adorable white, paisley pinafore dress to style. The paisley print is subtly pressed into the fabric and can only be seen when you’re closer to the dress, which makes it that little more unusual. I’ve developed a little obsession with the colour white this summer, which is partially due to the fact for the first time ever I seem to have actually developed a bit of a tan. Thank you, glorious heatwave! Usually my skin never accepts a tan and just seems to either burn or stay milky white and acquire more freckles, meaning I can never wear white. I’ve layered a pink and blue tie-dye crop top underneath which I bought from work forever ago now.

These beautiful, beautiful shoes were a treat to myself a few months back from ASOS. I had seen similar Vagabond ones that I was coveting, but these ASOS replicas were only a mere £30 and they’re velvet. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you’ll know the extent of my love for velvet. A very large percentage of my wardrobe is in fact velvet. I’m still living without the internet at my new house, which means I’m still blogging from the comfort of Starbucks with endless re-fills of their filter coffee. This is set to change though by the end of the month and although it’s been refreshing to live without the internet I am excited to be able to blog and browse the net without having to trek into town.


  1. The dress looks beautiful on you! Well paired with the crop top too :)

    XO Imke

  2. Love this outfit Leigh! That pinafore is great, and those shoes are beautiful! xxx


  3. Beautiful pinafore dress

  4. That pinafore is so cute. Is it neoprene? If so, even cuter! I really like the little top underneath, combined with the shoes it adds a great pop!

    Ava Tallulah

  5. This pinafore is gorgeous
    Love how its so white
    S xx

  6. This pinafore is really lovely, crisp white things are my fave - love the embossed detailing of it too!

    The Little Things

  7. Love the pinafore! Those shoes are amazing, velvet and chunky heel ahh so nice!


  8. A very pretty dress!! :)

  9. You look fab as always Leigh :) xx


  10. Awwh this is beautiful babe :) x

  11. This dress is so cute :)
    And I'm in love with those shoes!!!!
    You have such a great blog! I love it!
    I just followed you on GFC and Bloglovin, and I'm checking out your older posts!
    If you like, I'd be so honored if you follow back!
    La Dolce Moda

    Francesca :)

  12. You are looking lovely in this dress. This type of western dresses become popular these days in India as well. Girls like to wear western dresses to make a style statement among their friends.

  13. This pinafore is so precious, and I'm obsessed with your Asos platforms!! You are the cutest thing ever!

    Xo, Hannah



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