O U T F I T | Double Florals

29 September, 2013

Top*: c/o Choies
Shorts: Primark (old), £2
Glasses: Camden Market, £5
Shoes: Topshop Sale, £10
Necklace*: c/o John Greed

Although I am a self-confessed lover of the taboo that is double denim, it is strictly frowned upon. But what's the rule with double florals? When I was sent this Supreme style, unisex, graphic floral top from Choies I must admit I was a little baffled about how to style it. It is far from something I would usually wear and the graphic print is so bold. I could have played it safe and worn it with a pair of grey or black skinny jeans, but I decided to brave mixing up clashing floral prints with these atrociously old culottes from a Primark sale years ago. Even now I'm still not sure it works. It could be one of those outfit I look back on in a few months and think "WERE YOU BLIND, LEIGH?". I'm not sure. However, the t-shirt itself is a lovely soft material and the print is divine. Afterall, who doesn't love a graphic floral print?!

After dying my hair brunette it's faded back to ginger. I think it's time to accept I'll never be able to leave my ginger hair behind and it's here to stay.


  1. Love this outfit, the clashing patterns are awesome! That necklace is amazing too! x


  2. You look stunning, I love mixing floral prints! The belt is gorgeous too, it's simple enough to break up all the patterns. I really like your hair this colour too xo

  3. Love your mix of double floral!
    Very cute outfit.


  4. I think double florals is the way to go. Especially if one print is louder than the other, like this! ♥ Claire at Jazzpad

  5. I love the print on the top. Personally, I think the double floral, or double print in anything, trend is fabulous.

  6. I absolutely love clashing prints, this double floral combo is perfect! x

  7. Love the clashing prints
    S xx

  8. love this outfit, floral prints are one of my faves! I absolutely love your style!! :) xx

  9. I've tried double floral, but it never looks as cute as this. You look amazing.

    Emma x

  10. love your floral top. so pretty:)

  11. yay for primark shorts! you pull off double florals really well you lucky girl:-p Followed you on bloglovin and I'd love if you could check out my blog too!
    lily x

  12. Love the clashing prints! xx <3



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