H A I R | Hairtrade Hair Extensions

30 June, 2014

Hair Extensions*: c/o HairTrade

I continuously drone on about my want need for belly-button length, mermaid hair. I invest a lot of money into remedies to will it to grow, but still it refuses to grow no faster than snail pace. I AM CURSED I TELL THEE! It seemed like the time to finally cave in and acquire some hair extensions. I had a little phase of wearing hair extensions around a year ago, but found they became 'ratty' and thin rather quickly, so gave up wearing them. Also, there's nothing worse than seeing a girls clips under her hair where her extensions are clipped in. I hate it. In fear of this happening everytime I wore them I would end up wearing a hat to stop this happening. I gave up.

However, I was recently given the opportunity to review some human hair extensions from HairTrade so I thought I would give it a go once again! HairTrade stock I&K human hair extensions and I chose 18 inches in the colour Auburn (30). When it arrived I was a little taken aback by the colour. My hair is an awkward colour as it is, as it's just the grown out, faded produce of bleaching and dying it all these years. I wasn't expecting it to match completely, but it was definitely a lot more red than it appears in the photos and I'm a lot more on the blonder side auburn. I didn't see this as too much of a problem though as I had a bottle of lightener in my house and as they were human hair extensions it states on the website that they can be coloured. Unfortunately though the lightener done absolutely nothing. I'm not sure why either, but it just didn't lift the colour at all. Also, the colouring made them really brittle and they began to break off in clumps as I washed them, which was also a little disappointing.

Unfortunately for me, these hair extensions didn't work out too well, but I'll blame that on my awkward hair colouring. When they first arrived they were silky, soft and great quality, but I strongly recommend you don't dye them because it weakens the hair too much. Also, HairTrade offer a sample that you can order to home, which certainly would have helped me in colour matching my hair a little better.



  1. My hair grows SO slowly as well it's sucks so much, it just refuses to grow any longer than my collar bone :( I've always thought about trying hair extensions but it all seems like too much effort

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  2. I've never tried the extension but I'm really curious. I read your post (with translator) and I hope to have it all figured out. it was very interesting. Kisses from Italy,


  3. I am also on this quest! I had bonded extensions for two years and finally decided enough was enough and I had to grow my own. It's hard work! Shame they say the can be coloured and we're then left damaged. Thanks for being so honest.
    L x


  4. Oh that's a shame it didn't work for you! I've never tried extensions but I don't reckon they'd work in my hair either, because of the colour and my hair is just so fiiiine! Good on you for writing an honest review too, you just know some bloggers would be all over it with positives just because it was a freebie! ♥ Claire at Jazzpad

  5. Aw, that's a pity that they didn't take the lightener so well! I really want some extensions as my hair is long but just not long enough for me!

    Corinne x

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